
1000 Names Song Lesson

Artist: Phil Wickham

Song Key: B♭

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1000 Names Chords

(Capo on 3)


Eb/G / / F/ / Bb/D/ / Eb/ /

Verse 1

I call You Eb/GMaker F You give Bb/Dlife and eternal Ebspark
I call You Eb/GHealer F You can Bb/Dmend any broken Ebheart
I call You Eb/GFaithful FFather You Bb/Dfinish everything You Ebstart
My soul was Eb/Gmade F to respond Bb/D Eb

Chorus 1

I know You by a Eb/Gthousand namFes and you dBb/Deserve every single Ebone
You've given me a Eb/Gmillion waFys to be amBb/Dazed at what You've Ebdone
And I am Bblost in Cmwonder at Bb/Dall You Ebdo
I know You by a Eb/Gthousand naFmes and I'll Bb/Dsing them back to EbYou

Intro (2x)

Verse 2

Your love is Eb/Gboundless F beyBb/Dond that I could dEbream
Your grace is Eb/Gpatient F You're Bb/Dnever giving up on Ebme
I call You Eb/GBondage BFreaker cause You're hBb/Danding out the prison Ebkeys
My soul was Eb/Gmade F to be frEbee

Chorus 2

I know You by a Eb/Gthousand namFes and you dBb/Deserve every single Ebone
You've given me a Eb/Gmillion waFys to be amBb/Dazed at what You've Ebdone
And I am Bblost in Cmwonder at Bb/Dall You Ebdo
I know You by a Eb/Gthousand naFmes and I'll Bb/Dsing them back Eb I'll sing them back to You

Intro (2x)


You are the BbRock of Ages You're the CmGreat I Am You are GmKing forever The EbBeginning and the End
You are BbLord and Servant You're the CmSon of Man You're the GmLion of Judah You're the EbRisen Lamb
You're the Bbsecond Adam here to Cmlead us home You are Gm
EbYahweh's glory now revealed in flesh and bone
You are BbOcean-Parter You will Cmmake a way You are GmDeath-Defeater You have Ebrisen from the grave
You are Bbfull of mercy You are Cmrich in love You are GmJesus MesFsiah The EbOne True God

Chorus 2 / Intro (4x)

1000 Names | Phil Wickham

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Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
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" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>