
Joy To The World Song Lesson

Artist: Phil Wickham

Song Key: D♭

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Joy To The World Chords

(Capo on 1)




DbJoy to the world the Lord is come let Gbearth reAbceive her BbmKing
Let Dbevery heart prepare Him room and Bbmheaven and nature sing
And Abheaven and nature sing and Gbheaven and Bbmheaven and Abnature sDbing


We will sing sing Gbsing joy to the wDborld We will sing sing Gbsing


DbJoy to the world the Savior reigns Let Gbmen their Absongs emBbmploy
While Dbfields and floods rocks, hills and plains reBbmpeat the sounding joy
RepAbeat the sounding joy reGbpeat repBbmeat the sAbounding jDboy



DbHe rules the wold with truth and grace and Gbmakes the nAbations pBbmrove
The Dbglories of His righteousness and Bbmwonders of His love
And wAbonders of His love and Gbwonders woBbmnders oAbf His lDbove



DbJoyful joyful we adore Thee GbGod of Glory Lord of Love
DbHearts unfold like flowers before Thee Gbopening to the sun above
BbmJoyful joyful Db/Fwe adore Thee GbGod of Glory DbLord of LAbove
DbHearts unfold like fEbmlowers before Thee oBbmpening to the Absun abDbove

Joy To The World | Phil Wickham

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KEY D♭ BPM 148
KEY D♭ BPM 148
Guitar Notation
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Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>