Picking Apart Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham
Worship Artistry guitar instructor, Jason Houtsma picks apart Phil Wickham's Battle Belongs and explains the process of the arrangement.
Watch the tutorial for Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham here.
Watch the tutorial for Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham here.
Submitted by DoubleBarrell25.1 on June 28, 2021 - 8:05pm.
Thanks for sharing man. You have so much more skill than me in this regard. I struggle mightily to learn by ear, but I appreciate the resources here to help me hone that skill. This is a great resource for learning to learn by ear and hone music listening skills. Thank you!
really appreciate your approach to teaching
Submitted by smilam on September 22, 2021 - 12:58pm.
Your approach to teaching technique, chords, and rhythm is easy to follow and makes learning a new worship song easy. I can usually get the chord, the right key, and correct string, but really struggle with getting rhythm correct. The rhythm tracks are a great help and after strumming along with them it doesn't take long to get it right. Thank you.