All About Overdrive with Cody Fields and Aaron Tomberlin
Podcast Episode #59
The brains behind Westminster Effects and Nose Pedals join the Worship Artistry Podcast to discuss what goes into the most ubiquitous guitar effect.
Cody Fields and Aaron Tomberlin, respective founders, join the show to geek out on pedals and overdrives specifically. You might hear Worship Artistry guitar instructor Jason Houtsma bust out one of his best Guitar Center riffs.
EQ notching with a parametric EQ
Submitted by Burnhaven (not verified) on November 20, 2017 - 7:18am.
I think much of the difference between various OD pedals is removed once you learn to remove offensive frequencies. People keep trying different pedals that will sound good with their rig, when it may not matter all that much which pedal they use if they get rid of the frequencies that bug them. Having said that, I am about ready to start adding pedals in front of my POD HD500x to get some variety beyond what's built in. ( Helix is still too much money )
POD HD500X Demonstration Part 2 - Peter Hanmer
Thanks Peter
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on November 27, 2017 - 2:08pm.
It is amazing the difference eq makes if you know what you're looking for. I'll check out the vid!