3 Steps to a Worship Set that Engages Everyone
Putting together a worship set can be a daunting task, but don't be intimidated. A worship set is a journey, think of this as your map.
We are all designed to hear and express music in certain ways. Just as a good album order prepares the listener for the next song, a well-planned worship set readies the heart for the next moment. While melodies change from week to week, it helps to have a starting point. These are 3 steps to creating a dynamic worship set.
Step 1: Rate songs 1-5 based on dynamic intensity
Five meaning high energy or epic song (i.e. Jesus Paid It All or Not Ashamed), 3 being mid-tempo groovers (i.e. God Of Wonders), and 1 being down tempo, more contemplative (i.e. God You Are My God).
Note that some songs vary in intensity. Oceans by Hillsong Worship starts around 1 but rises to 4.
Step 2: Plan your moments
A moment is the part of the set you want everyone to remember. It could be a story that sets up a song, a powerful reading or an a capella hymn. Doing something outside of music creates something memorable and reaches a hand out to those who don’t connect with God in a musical way. The possibilities are endless.
Step 3: Set flow
Start your set with a song that you would rate a 3. It welcomes everyone in and gives them an opportunity to recognize that the gathering is beginning. After that, dropping off can be awkward, so follow up with a song that takes the dynamic up to a 4 or 5. Now that you have everyone's attention–bring it down to a one. Design a moment that not only transitions to but drives home the next song.
After your moment, move to song with a 2 rating. Depending on the length of your set, you may wish to linger here. But when you are ready to take the dynamic up, choose a song that starts at 2 but ends at 5. End your set with a song that's a 5 which will be your 2nd moment. Moment 2 should be the exclamation point to end the set or a transition into the speaking portion.
Get more indepth knowledge on how to build a worship set buy download the free guide. Get the keys to building worship setlists that are engaging from start to finish.
great worship set
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on January 27, 2015 - 2:57pm.
i think thats a great worship set. so many churches start their worship sets with a bang and then another bang and then a slow, another slow, and then a upbeat song, so then your heart seems to be beating fast by the time the sermon starts.
i like the way you gave the idea of that worship set (above).
great worship set jason.
It also
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 27, 2015 - 3:02pm.
makes it easy to introduce new elements. Things always feel somewhat familiar because they are presented in a familiar rhythm.
yeah true
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on January 27, 2015 - 4:57pm.
I'm so thankful that God sent me to this site, i just got done learning guitar it was so easy the way you explanand it, and i just got done learning my 2nd song from Worship artistry the first was ''the lord our God'' the second was ''this is amazing grace'' both wear super easy, if i just was looking at the sheet music or tab i would still be learning them i'm so thankful.
by the way what happend to your martin? it looked pretty bad on facebook.
So glad it's helpful
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 27, 2015 - 8:52pm.
I had my Martin laying on my stool while I set my lighting and it just fell off and landed on top of my pedal board. A foot switch went through he side. I spoke with the tech today and he says it's coming out really well but he has to keep drop filling it so it may not be done until Friday. I figured I'd rather have him take his time and do a good job than rush him. I'll have to borrow a guitar for this week's lessons though.
thats nice that
Submitted by ryan_the guitar... on January 28, 2015 - 9:45am.
it is fixable.
Submitted by PapaRob on February 8, 2016 - 5:10pm.
My Guild is in the ER too... been using a friends older ovation with no electronics. Using an Audio-technica AT2020 mic - like it, but really miss my Guild!
thank you!
Submitted by skurf2 on January 27, 2015 - 3:14pm.
This is a great format. Gives some structure but also leaves room for creativity or spontaneous changes. How do you feel about starting the service with a slow anthem? I think it would be awkward every week but every once in a while it can be pretty cool. Thoughts?
Mellower worship songs
Submitted by JMorris on January 27, 2015 - 8:17pm.
are how we often start, end, and sometimes stay at throughout our worship. The small house church that I often lead worship for comes from a Vineyard background, and there have been times that we have planned out 3-4 songs, and God comes in and changes things up so that we never get past the first 2 songs. We have literally stayed in that mode of worship for multiple hours at times. The most that I can remember in an unplanned setting was close to 4 hours.
For the lead worshippers, they are encouraged to pray into the service well before the day they are signed up to lead, and to ask the Lord what songs He would have us sing, and in what order, to match the theme of what He is going to do that day. This nearly every time creates a sort of divine "storyline" that delineates the Father's heart to us, but we still rely first and foremost on following the Holy Spirit's moment-by-moment leading as He desires. I couldn't tell you how many times I've been lost in that sort of rapturous, breathtaking worship as the presence of the Almighty floods the room. All glory to Him, because He truly is spectacular in His ways.
We definitely need to be able to shift in the moment
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 27, 2015 - 8:59pm.
Leadership is being aware of what the Spirit is doing as well as what those we are leading are responding to. I would never suggest being overly formulaic but being prepared with a basic guideline allows us to be free in the moment.
Deviation from the format can be powerful
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 27, 2015 - 8:57pm.
When you change things that have a form, it emphasizes the change all the more. I love starting with a slower tune or even trying to create a moment right at the start. One time I just unplugged my guitar, stepped away from the mic and led Rich Mullins' "Step By Step" (God You are My God). It was amazing. No powerpoint, no amplification just 150 voices and an acoustic guitar. It was beautiful.
For Jason
Submitted by JMorris on January 27, 2015 - 8:26pm.
Thank you so very much! I use the songs and arrangements that you have posted very, very often. The solo acoustic section is my go-to since we have such a small group and meet in small spaces. Keep serving, brother!
Sidenote: Are you still going to continue with the tutorials for the drum parts? And I thought that maybe you had mentioned something one time about bass tutorials?
You are very welcome!
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on January 27, 2015 - 9:00pm.
The solo acoustic chapters are probably my favorite parts of the lesson. As far as bass lessons, we will be introducing our bass and keyboard teachers shortly...
Fewer songs
Submitted by Bethany Flint on February 13, 2015 - 11:08am.
This is very helpful. How would you "roadmap" the songs if you only had three songs on the worship set? Our service is limited on time, so we have one set of three, then two more songs between the other elements of the service.
Submitted by Jason Houtsma on February 13, 2015 - 12:00pm.
Off the top of my head, I would probably go with 2 upbeat tunes and then a hymn on the front end and choose meditative songs during the service based around the themes they are transitioning from and 2 but I'd love to hear other thoughts. How do you usually do it?
Shorter Worship Sets
Submitted by James Ball on February 20, 2015 - 6:59am.
I lead in a children's (K-5th) ministry setting, and we have a service that typically has 2 sections of music: 2 praise (upbeat) songs, and 2 worship songs. I always struggle with finding appropriate praise songs for our kids as I tend to be a Chris Tomlin, deep lyrics and meaning type worshiper myself. This week I am changing it up a bit, going with Our God (I always play it too fast anyway :-p), Let the Praises Ring, Where I Belong and Forever Reign (planning on integrating your solo acoustic tips for the first time on this one). Should be a lot of fun!