
Come To The Table Song Lesson

Artist: Sidewalk Prophets

Song Key: C

Lots to do on both guitars.

Nice pocket in the chorus and a fun Turnaround!

16ths of Glory!!!

String Time!

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Come To The Table Chords

(Capo on 5)


C Dm F


C We all Dmstart on the oFutside the Dmoutside looking in C This is Dmwhere grace beginFs
C We were Dmhungry we were thFirsty with Dmnothing left to giCve Oh the Dmshape that we were iFn
Am Just when all hFope seemed lost Am Love opened the dGoor for us


(He said) cCome Dm to the Ftable G C Come join the Dmsinners who have bFeen redGeemed
Take your plCace beDmside the SFavior G Am Sit down anEmd be set frFee Come to the table



C Come meet this Dmmotley crew of mFisfits these Dmliars and these thCieves There’s no Dmone unwelcome heFre
C So that sin and sDmhame that you brought wiFth you you can lDmeave it at the dCoor Let Dmmercy draw you nFear



To the tAmhief and to the doubter To the hFero and the coward
To the prCisoner and the soldier To the youGng and to the older
All who hAmunger all who thirst All the laFst and all the first
All the paCupers and the princes All who’ve faGiled and been forgiven
All who dAmream and all who suffer All who lFoved and lost another
All the cChained and all the free All who fGollow all who lead
AnyAmone who’s been let down All the lFost you have been found
All who’ve been laCbeled right or wrong So everyoGne who hears this song


CCome Dm to the Ftable G C Come join the Dmsinners who have bFeen redGeemed
Take your plCace beDmside the SFavior G Am Sit down and Embe set frFee AmSit down andEm be set frFee
Come to the taCble Dm F Come to the taCble Dm F
Just sit doCwn and rDmest awhFile G Just sit dCown and Dmrest awhiFle G Come to the tCable

Come To The Table | Sidewalk Prophets

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Guitar Notation
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Bass Notation
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Drum Notation
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Keyboard Notation
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