
Rest On Us Song Lesson

Artist: Maverick City Music and UPPERROOM

Song Key: Bb

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Rest On Us Chords

(Capo on 3)

Intro (2x)

Bb/ / / / Eb/Bb/ / / /

Verse 1 (2x)

As the BbSpirit was moving over the water Eb/BbSpirit come move over us
GmCome rest on us EbCome rest on us

Chorus (2x)

BbCome down Spirit when You Bb/Dmove You make my Ebheart pound when You fill the Froom
GmYou're here and I know You are Bbmoving EbI'm here and I know You will fill me

Intro (2x) / Verse 1 (2x)

Verse 2 (2x)

As the BbSpirit was moving over the water EbSpirit come move over us
GmCome rest on us EbCome rest on us

Verse 3 (2x)

BbFire and wind come and do it again EbOpen up the gates let heaven on in
GmCome rest on us EbCome rest on us

Chorus (2x) / Intro (2x)

Bridge (6x)

BbHoly Spirit Cmcome rest on us GmYou're all we want EbYou're all we want

Chorus (4x) / Intro (4x)

Rest On Us | Maverick City Music and UPPERROOM

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Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>