
Scars Song Lesson

Artist: I Am They

Song Key: B♭

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Scars Chords

(Capo on 3)

Intro (2x)

Gm/ / Eb/ / Bb/ / / /

Verse 1

Waking Bbup to a new sunrise Looking Gmback from the other side I can Ebsee now with Gmopen eyFes
Darkest Bbwater deepest pain I wouldn't Gmtrade it for anything
Because my Ebbrokenness brGmought me to YFou and these wEbounds are a sGmtory You'll uFse

Chorus 1

So I'm Bbthankful F/Afor the sGmcars 'cause witEbhout them I woBbuldn't knF/Aow Your hGmeart
And I kEbnow they'll always Bbtell of wF/Aho You aGmre so forEbever I am Gmthankful Ffor the s(G)cars

Intro (1x)

Now I'm Bbstanding in confidence with the sGmtrength of You faithfulness
And I kEbnow who I Gmwas beFfore No I Ebdon't have to Gmfear anymFore

Chorus 1

Bridge (2x)

GmI can see EbI can see Bbhow You delFivered me
Gmn Your hands EbIn your feet BbI found my vFictory

Chorus 2
I'm Bbthankful F/Afor Your sGmcars 'cause witEbhout them I wBbouldn't knF/Aow Your hGmeart
And Ebwith my life I'll Bbtell of wF/Aho You aGmre so fEborever I am Gmthank - fF/Aul
So I'm Gmthankful fF/Aor the sBbcars 'cause wiCmthout them I wGmouldn't knF/Aow Your hBbeart
And I kCmnow they'll always Gmtell of wF/Aho You aBbre so fCmorever
I am tEbhankful fFor the scGmars Eb Bb So forever I am tGmhankful fEbor the scBbars

Scars | I Am They

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Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>