
Behold (Then Sings My Soul) Song Lesson

Artist: Hillsong Worship

Tempo: Down

Song Key: B

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Behold (Then Sings My Soul) Chords


BBehold the Father’s heart The mEystery He lavishes on us
As G#mdeep cries out to deBep Oh how desperately He wEants us
The G#mthings of earth stand next to HBim like a candle to the Esun
Unfailing G#mFather What comF#suspares to His great loEve


BehBold His holy Son The LEion and the Lamb given to us
The G#mWord became a mBan that my soul should know its ESavior
FoG#mrsaken for the sake of all mankiBnd Salvation is in His bElood
Jesus MesG#msiah The F#susrighteous died for loEve It wasn’t G#mover HeF#sus is the risen oEne


Then sings my sBoul Then sing my G#msoul How great YourF#sus love is How great Your lEove is
Then sings my sBoul Then sing my G#msoul How great YourF#sus love is How great Your lEove is
Then sings my sBoul


BBehold I have a friend The SEpirit breathing Holy fire within
MyG#m ever present hBelp speaking truth when I can’t fiEnd it
LightG#m up this broken heart and liBght my way until my time on earth is dEone
Oh Holy SGmpirit breathe iF#susn me like Kingdom cEome Oh Holy G#mSpirit let YourF#sus work in me be dEone


Then sings my sBoul Then sing my G#msoul How great YourF#sus love is How great Your lEove is
Then sings my sBoul Then sing my G#msoul How great YourF#sus love is How great Your lEove is
Then sings my sBoul Then sing my G#msoul How great YourF#sus love is How great Your lEove is
Then sings my sBoul


My GF#od He who G#mwas and is to coBme Prepare theG#m way until the wF#ork on earth is F#susdone F#
Watch as the clEouds He rides swing F#low Lift up the G#msound as He makes our praise His thErone
Behold the LEord our GF#od will lead us hBome

Behold (Then Sings My Soul) | Hillsong Worship

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Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>