
Another In The Fire Song Lesson

Artist: Hillsong United

Song Key: C

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Another In The Fire Chords

INTRO (2x)

Am/ / F/ / C/ / / /


Am There's a grace when the Fheart is under Cfire AmAnother way when the Fwalls are closing Cin
AmAnd when I look at the Fspace between where I Cused to be and this Emreckoning
Am I know I will Fnever be alCone


There was another in the Amfire sFtanding next to Cme
There was another in the Amwaters Fholding back the Cseas
And should I ever need reAmminding of Fhow I've been set Cfree
There is a cross that bears the Amburden where aFnother died for Cme
There is another in the Amfire F C Am F C


Am And all my Fdebt left for dead beneath the Cwaters AmI'm no longer a Fslave to my sin anyCmore
Am And should I fall in the Fspace between what reCmains of me and this Emreckoning
AmEither way I won't Fbow to the things of this Cworld
AmAnd I know I will Fnever be aClone


There is another in the Amfire stFanding next to Cme
There is another in the Amwaters holFding back the sCeas
And should I ever G/Bneed Amreminding what pFower set me fCree
There is a grave that holds Amnobody now that pFower lives in Cme
There is another G/Bin the Amfire F C There is another G/Bin the Amfire F C
There is another G/Bin the Amfire F C There is another G/Bin the Amfire F C


And I can see the AmLight in the dFarkness as the dCarkness bows to GHim
I can hear the Amroar in the Fheavens as the C/Espace between wears Gthin
I can feel the Amground shake bFeneath us as the C/Eprison walls cave Gin
Nothing stands betDmween us Nothing stands beFtween uGs

INTRO (2x)


Am And there is no other Fname but the name that is CJesus AmHe who was and still Fis and will be through it Call
AmSo come what may in the Fspace between all the Cthings unseen and this Emreckoning
Am I know I will Fnever be aClone Amand I know I will Fnever be alCone


There'll be another in the Amfire stFanding next to mCe
There'll be another in the Amwaters hoFlding back the sCeas
And should I ever G/Bneed reAmminding how goFod You've been to Cme
I'll count the joy come every Ambattle 'cause I kFnow that's where You'll Cbe


TAG (4x)

I'll count the joy come every Ambattle 'cause I Fknow that's where You'll Cbe

Another In The Fire | Hillsong United

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Guitar Notation
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Keyboard Notation
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