Thank You Jesus For The Blood Song Lesson
Artist: Charity Gayle
Song Key: B♭
Thank You Jesus For The Blood | Charity Gayle
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Verse 1
BbI was a wretch F/A I rememGmber who I was I was lEbost I was blinBb/Dd I was ruFsusnning out of timFe
BbSin separated F/A the brGmeach was far too wide but from the fEbar side of the chBb/Dasm You hFsuseld me in Your siFght
So BbYou made a waF/Ay acroGmss the great divide Left beEbhind heaven's tBb/Dhrone to buFsusild it here insiFde
And Bbthere at the crosF/As You pGmaid the debt I owed Broke my chEbains freed my sBb/Doul for the fFsusirst time I had hFope
BbThank YF/Aou JeBbsus fBb/Dor the blEbood appliBbed TGmhank YF/Aou JeBbsus it has wGmashed me wFhite
GmThank YFou JEbesus YBb/Dou have sEbaved mFy lGmife brEbought me from the dBbarkness into Fsusglo - riouFs ligBbht Eb Bb
Verse 2
BbYou took my placF/Ae laid inGmside my tomb of sin You were bEburied for three dBb/Days but then You wFsusalked right out agaFin
And now dBbeath has no stinF/Ag and liGmfe has no end for EbI have been transfBb/Dormed by the Fsusblood of the LaFmb
There is nEbothing stronger than the wFonder working power of the bGmlood the blDmood
That cEballed us sons and daughters we are rFansomed by our Father through the bGmlood the bDmlood
There is nEbothing stronger than the wFonder working power of the bGmlood the blDmood
That cEballed us sons and daughters we are rFansomed by our Father through the bGmlood the bFlood
Song: Thank You Jesus For The Blood
CCLI#: 7172456
Writer(s): Charity Gayle, David Gentiles, Steven Musso, Ryan Kennedy, Bryan McCleery
Artist: Charity Gayle
Album: Endless Praise
International Copyright Secured. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.
Copyright © 2021 ComissionMusic (ASCAP) Watershed Worship Publishing (ASCAP) McCleery MSC (ASCAP) Come Up Kings Publishing (BMI) Steven Musso Music (BMI) Gather House Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.