
Let It Shine Song Lesson

Artist: All Sons and Daughters

Tempo: Up

Song Key: Db

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Let It Shine Chords

(Capo on 1)

INTRO (2x)

Gb5 Db Ab


Gb5 There are a million truDbths for every lAbie Gb5so speak it out loud aDbnd let it lift high Ab
Gb5 There are a million reaDb/Fsons to coDbver Your eyAbes but the light is shinGb5ing through the darkDbness we hidAbe
But the light is shGb5ining through the darDbkness we hidAbe


Gb So come let it Come let it AbCome let it Come lDb/Fet it shiGbne
Gb So come let it Come let it AbCome let it Come lDb/Fet it shiGbne


There’s only one wayDb to wash yourself clAbean Gb So let the dirt fall and get oDbn Your knAbees
Gb There are a million scDbars for every mistAbake Oh but we are notGb chained to the secDbrets that we mAbake
Oh but we are nGbot chained to the seDbcrets that we mAbake


Gb So come let it Come let it Db Ab Come let it Come lDb/Fet it shiGbne
Gb So come let it Come let it Db Ab Come let it Come lDb/Fet it shiGbne


Gb Ab


Gb This is the battle of our time of our time noAbw We can’t afford not to cry not to cry out
BbmShake the earth from the ground from the ground now AbRest your souls from the darkness around
Gb This is the battle of our time of our time noAbw We can’t afford not to cry not to cry out
BbmShake the earth from the ground from the ground now AbRest your souls from the darkness aGbrounAbd Bbm

CHORUS 2 (2x)

Let It Shine | All Sons and Daughters

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KEY Db BPM 116
KEY Db BPM 116
Guitar Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Bass Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Drum Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>
Keyboard Notation
" class="check-btn wa-ss sheet-music-toggle" /> ?>