
No One Higher Song Lesson

Artist: Aaron Shust

Tempo: Medium

Song Key: C

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No One Higher Chords

INTRO (2x)

F2 Gsus Am7


F2 Our Father Gsus Creator Am7 You rolled our hearts together F2 There’s no one Gsushigher than YAm7ou
F2 Redeemer Gsus Defender Am7 Our great and mighty Savior F2 There’s no one Gsushigher than YAm7ou
Dm7 You are always with us C/E gracious to forgive us F2 By Your power we’ve been set fGsusree


And LCord we stand aGsus/Bmazed in Your Am7presence AstoF2unded by Your mercy andGsus love
Our hCands are lifteGsus/Bd high in suAm7rrender Your gF2race for me is always Gsusenough
And tF2here is no one hGigher thanAm7 our God TF2here is no one Gsushigher than YCou


F2 Majestic Gsus in wonder Am7 You reign with love forever F2 There’s no one Gsushigher than YoAm7u
F2 Your beauty Gsus Your splendor Am7 Your glory no knows no measure F2 There’s no one Gsushigher than YoAm7u
Dm7 You are always with us C/E gracious to forgive us F2 By Your power we’ve been set fGsusree


And LCord we stand aGsus/Bmazed in Your Am7presence AstoF2unded by Your mercy andGsus love
Our hCands are lifteGsus/Bd high in suAm7rrender Your gF2race for me is always Gsusenough
And tF2here is no one hGigher thanAm7 our God ThF2ere is no one greGater than YoAm7u
Let my F2life forever prGaise the Am7glory of Your name TF2here is no one hGigher than YF2ou
F2 Gsus Am7 There’s no one likeGsus/B You LCord F2 Gsus Am7 No one like Gsus/BYou C


TF2here is no one higher Gsus No one gAm7reater no onGsus/Be like our GCod
TF2here is none more able GsusChrist our Am7Savior Great andGsus/B glori - oCus
TF2here is no one higher Gsus No one gAm7reater no onGsus/Be like our GCod
TF2here is none more able GsusChrist our Am7Savior Great andGsus/B glori - oCus
TF2here is no one higher Gsus No one gAm7reater no onGsus/Be like our GCod
TF2here is none more able GsusChrist our Am7Savior Great andGsus/B glori - oCus
TF2here is no one Gsushigher No one grC/Eeater no one Am/7like our God
TF2here is no one Gsushigher than YCou

No One Higher | Aaron Shust

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Guitar Notation
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Bass Notation
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Keyboard Notation
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